Representation Matters: Why it is important to be inclusive with your designs

Representation Matters: Why it is important to be inclusive with your designs

In recent years, the importance of diversity and inclusion has become increasingly apparent in many...
Take Time For Yourself: Tips for taking time off when you work for yourself

Take Time For Yourself: Tips for taking time off when you work for yourself

As a self-employed individual, taking time off for a vacation may seem like a luxury...
Keep It Movin’: Integrating animation in your web design experiences

Keep It Movin’: Integrating animation in your web design experiences

Animating elements on a website can add a touch of liveliness and interactivity, enhancing the...
Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Tips for designing the best portfolio as a graphic designer

Putting Your Best Foot Forward: Tips for designing the best portfolio as a graphic designer

A portfolio website is an essential tool for graphic designers looking to showcase their skills...
Making A Space That Works For You: Building the best work-from-home experience for productivity

Making A Space That Works For You: Building the best work-from-home experience for productivity

The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way we work, and many of us have found...
Keep ‘Em Engaged: Quick tips on how to fight website bouncing

Keep ‘Em Engaged: Quick tips on how to fight website bouncing

As a website owner, one of your primary goals is to attract and retain visitors...